Review of Blink

Doctor Who: Blink (2007)
Season 3, Episode 10
Doctor Who (and TV writing) at it's best.
11 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Blink" Is, simply put, excellent. Not only as a Doctor Who episode, but a great example in TV writing. Modern shows from The Sopranos to Battlestar Galactica shine in gritty realism, Doctor Who is unchallenged in pure imagination and creativity.

While a great show today, I can't imagine Galactica being watched over and over again twenty years from now, I believe this episode is enough to inspire (and traumatize) a generation of children. After all, if you look at history, it's not the everyday fears and challenges of Egyptian fishermen that are remembered thousands of years later, but their legends of gods and monsters. And Doctor Who is full of them.

I have to admit that I've been a fan of writer Steven Moffat since the "giggle loop" episode of his sitcom Coupling. What I felt set Moffat's writing apart from other sitcoms was his skill with structure. Sometimes using an entire episode to build up to the final punchline, yet keeping all of the show laugh out loud funny and entertaining. "Blink" was yet another great example in structure with Moffat and director Hettie MacDonald managing to keep the episode together, even though the time paradoxes we're definitely a "big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff", to quote the Doctor.

But like "The Empty Child" and "The Girl in the Fireplace" in the previous series, this was also a feast of imagination, offering images that will get stuck in your head for time to come.
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