Doctor Who: Boom Town (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
Entertaining But Too Heavy Handed
10 June 2007
I'll watch any old crap that's transmitted under the DOCTOR WHO banner but when The Sun newspaper revealed that The Slitheen would be making a return visit to the series I wasn't exactly ecstatic about watching Boom Town since the Siltheen are amongst the most silly aliens to have appeared in the show I mean farting aliens how stupid is that ? I'm also cynical enough to suggest that Russell T Davies introduced the aliens to start off a merchandising craze featuring these fat unlovable creatures . Terry Nation gave us The Daleks , RTD gave us The Slitheen . I'll leave you to decide who is the better writer

To be fair to Davies he knows he's writing for a family audience so he's brought back the Slitheen which he knows will appeal to kids while he's written a story with the death penalty at the heart of the subtext which will hold the interest of adult viewers . Unfortunately RTD has included camp elements of dialogue where Magaret Slitheen refers to people being bumped off who were going to stop the building of a nuclear station in Cardiff and Murray Gold's music in the chase sequence reminded me of the music in the show from the late 1980s and that's not a compliment . Thankfully director Joe Ahearne manages to stop everything falling into high camp unlike Keith Boak did with The Slitheen debut
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