Mystery!: Cadfael (1994–1998)
Great Medieval Mystery Series
31 May 2007
Enjoyed this series of "Cadfael" which ran on TV in 1994 about a monk named Brother Cadfael,(Derek Jacobi) who gives Spiritual help and heals the wounded and sick and also is a detective who delves into the human soul and manages to get criminals and evil people to either turn over a new way of living or just face their punishment and be hanged or sent to prison. In one of these TV Series,"The Devil's Novice" a young man decides to enter the monastery and become a monk and he is questioned about why he wants to become a monk and at night he seems to have nightmares and starts screaming and causing all kinds of problems which make the monks think he is possessed by the Devil. However, it turns out that this young man was in love with his brother's girl-friend and his heart was broken and his father suggested he go immediately to the monastery and become a monk. Brother Cadfael searches this young man's heart and soul and finds very dark deep secrets which involves many other people in his family.
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