Wisdom (1986)
Beyond Implausible
16 May 2007
The comments above have brought out many of the glaring flaws in this bizarre vanity piece from the 80s. Here's another one: how is it that he cant get a job because he's a "felon" (not even flipping burgers), but he can buy an Uzi right over the counter without a waiting period or a background check? Wouldn't his status as a "felon" show up when the gun shop owner checked his record? Or didn't they do that in 1985? The first scene in the flower shop with Emilio and Demi is a prime example of the pathetically juvenile nature of the dialogue, it sounds like this was something Emilio first dreamed up in junior high school (which he probably did), trying to write a script for an "outlaw" film that would also please his ultra-liberal dad. The mild sexual talk is immature and inexplicable. Demi: "You cant even get it up if there's a cool breeze going thru my bedroom". Huh?? And they call each other "babe" like two self-conscious 15 year olds pretending to be an adult couple. It's no wonder they broke up not longer after this film and moved on to other partners, after they grew up.
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