Only Angels Have Wings- A Devil of A Film **
5 April 2007
Cary Grant is terribly miscast as Jeff Carter, who heads a mail flying outfit out in an area filled with bad weather.

Jean Arthur comes off the boat and falls for Grant. What else is new?

Grant looks ridiculous in a sombrero like hat and is always asking for a light. Even a bigger joke is his sidekick Thomas Mitchell. The latter is called The Kid. Some kid. This is the same year that Mitchell starred as Gerald O'Hara in the true classic "Gone With the Wind." He also copped a supporting Oscar that year for "Stagecoach."

After Noah Beery Jr. is killed in bad weather, the group goes around a piano and Grant and Miss Arthur lead them in an absolutely awful rendition of "Some of these Days." Where was Sophie Tucker when she was badly needed?

Arthur loves Grant so much that she points a gun at him and when she places it down on the table, the gun offs off popping Cary in the arm. The writer of this nonsense needed some popping as well.

Of course, the characters become resolute at the end. Cary flies off and Jean will be waiting for him. The other thing they needed to wait for was much better projects than this which thankfully they got in the years ahead.
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