Review of Wild Hogs

Wild Hogs (2007)
13 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was recently talked into going to see this movie by my girlfriend, and I must say that it was a disappointment to say the least. This movie reminded me of a live action cartoon, with all of the old pratfalls, bathroom humor, and homosexual innuendos and humor that we have all seen a million times before. The characters portray every stereotype of men in middle age (wives that boss them around, kids who think they are "lame", not being allowed to eat anything but lettuce, etc, etc, etc). The script seemed like it was written by a 12 year old, and the jokes were very stale and unfunny. The fact that this movie has been #1 in the country for several weeks running only illustrates the lack of anything decent in theaters. The movie did feature a great cast (including a few nice cameos), but even that couldn't save this film. If you're looking for mindless humor and a predicable script, go and see this mess. Otherwise, save your money.
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