Caroline? (1990 TV Movie)
Boring & Annoying, But It Was Good To See Dorothy Again
4 March 2007
This Hallmark Hall of Fame picture was, in a word: B-o-r--i-n-g with a capital "B." It was too talky and filled with annoying characters. The two main kids in the film squabbled all the time. One of them was "mentally challenged" and spoke in a abrasive, whiny voice.

Several of the women - those played by Pamela Reed and Patricia Neal - were nasty toward the nice woman in the picture ("Caroline") Stephanie Zimabalist.....and the combination of the bratty kids and mean women all turned me off early on.

The part that interested me was seeing an old favorite actress, Dorothy McGuire. I was curious to see what she looked like in her mid '70s. She was an underrated actress and a wonderful woman who never acted in sleazy films. This was the last year she acted, but lived for another 10 years after this movie.
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