Review of Thr3e

Thr3e (2006)
Read the book?
5 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, to anyone that's read the book, the ending is to be completely expected as it's the whole point of the book. The evil and the good nature of all men, and what they try and (apparently) fail to hide. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I know that the people that made it are experienced and well-meaning. It's kind of like the movie "We Were Soldiers". They got reviews saying stuff to the effect of 'next time people make a war movie find some new material', all because they thought the lines the soldiers said were 'corny'. Things like, "tell my wife I love her." Sorry, but that's what the stuff they really said. Next time I see a dying soldier I'll tell them to think up better death lines. Buuuuut that's for another movie. My point is, for anyone who thinks the ending is 'corny' or there's not enough violence or gore, think of the possibility that maybe there's ENOUGH gore, horror, and violence out there to be seen without it coming from an actually GOOD suspense movie. For the Saw message board or whatever, 'Saw' (all of them) was a cheap horror that couldn't get enough fake blood, or real skin. Anybody with genuine originality should be able to tell the difference. In short, read the book. Please. You'll understand.
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