So Notorious (2006)
21 November 2006
This was absolutely ridiculous! I watched it and couldn't believe someone spent money to make this! It was an attempt to create a cross between reality and sitcom, but failed miserably! I hope it is canceled quickly, no one needs to subject themselves to this crap. Tori Spelling, playing herself and was horrid. The plot didn't make sense and was simply to stupid. No one should watch it! VH1 sinks to lower and lower levels with each show. From dead chicken to over dramatic freak outs by Tori. another surprise for me was the guest spot by whoppi Goldberg. Why whoppi wanted to be involved in such crap is beyond me. Whoopi is so funny, she must have been hurting for money because I think that would be the only reason someone like her would do this crappy show.
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