Turkey Television (1985– )
Surprised it was on Nickelodeon
2 November 2006
I used to watch this show when I was a kid. After all these years, it's hard to remember much about it now. I'm really surprised there was someone out there who remembered most of the theme song.

Two skits stick out in my mind.

The first was about an old man, Uncle Hogan, who made up all these phony stories he would tell kids. It typically ran like this:

Woman singing: It's time for Uncle Hogan Old man: Wanna hear a story, kids? Kids (in unison): No, Uncle Hogan! Old man: I knew you would. (proceeds to tell a completely unbelievable story about how he saved the world) Old man: Do you believe me kids? Kids (in unison): No, Uncle Hogan! Old man: I knew you would. Continues like this...then at the end) Woman singing: Say goodbye to Uncle Hogan, the biggest liar of all! Old man: I heard that.

The second was this guy who painted a face on his hand--he painted eyes on his index finger, and his thumb was the mouth. He would always start out with some friendly conversation with his painted hand (Pippi, if I recall), then it would turn into something demented. The typical skit ran something like this.

Man: Have you ever been swimming before? Pippi: No, I don't much care for the water Man: How bout we go for a little swim today? Pippi: Actually I'd rather not (Man pulls out a bucket of water and dunks the hand in it) Pippi: Aaaaaahh!

Anyone remember these skits?
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