Angel: Redefinition (2001)
Season 2, Episode 11
Dru and Darla continue to steal the show
24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In some ways this episode does "redefine" the characters. It's basically the second part of "Reunion" so "Redefinition" has Wes redefined as the Angel Inc. crew's leader. Lila and Lindsey redefined as directors at Wolfram and Hart. And Angel redefined as someone caught between Angel and Anglus; Someone who's merciless and hard and willing to punish the guilty, not just protect the innocent. All in all this is a really cool episode, that ends Dru and Darla's crime spree and sets up the next part of the season. You won't want to skip it if you're watching on DVD.

"Redefinition" picks up right where "Reunion" left off. Angel has fired his crew and set off on a mission of vengeance. He's determined to bring down Darla and Dru. Wes, Cordy and Gunn are hurt by Angel's attitude. They head to Karitos, where they end up drinking and singing. When Cordy has a vision of a woman in trouble, the three of them set of to save her on their own. Their success inspires them to keep Angel Inc. open without Angel.

Meanwhile, Lila and Lindsey are the only survivors from the massacre in the wine cellar. The rest of Wolfram and Hart eyes them suspiciously, thinking that they might've been involved in Dru and Darla's plot. Eventually though, they're made acting co-heads of the Special Projects division. Darla and Dru continue work together, gathering an army of demon to spread mayhem and terror. Angel kills their demon goons and then sets Dru and Darla on fire. Darla realizes that he's not Angel or Angelus now. He's acting in a new, heartless way that sort of scares her. She and Dru are hurt and out of commission. Wes once again tries to get through to Angel, but Angel is off on a new mission: The destruction of Wolfram and Hart.

There are some great parts to this episode. I just love watching Angel being all bad ass. He's so dark and mean that I always end up smiling. And with Angel out of the picture, it's Wesley who steps up as team leader, which is cool. For the first time, Wes is coming into his own. In England, he followed his father. In Sunnydale, he followed Giles. In LA, he's been following Angel. Now Cordy and Gunn are looking to follow HIM. Suddenly, Wes is the one directing the action. This is his initial step towards the strong person that he will become. Also, I really like Lindsey and Lila's bickering. He's annoyed that she's alive. She's annoyed that Wolfram and Hart may have her killed. Dru and Darla are pestering both of them. It's just fun. You just have to laugh when Dru decides that she likes Lila best because, "She's wicked." Darla nods, "Yeah, they're both sweet kids." I just adore Dru and Darla together.

On the down side, Darla really should have listened to Dru's ranting about fire. It would have saved her a lot of pain and bandages. Drusilla might go off on tangents and talk in riddles, but she's also psychic. Spike seems to be the only one who really pays attention to her predictions, which is a shame. Also, I'm really sorry that Dru leaves LA, because I just love watching her. She didn't even get a scene with Wes, Cordy, Gunn and Lorne. It's a shame.

My favorite part of the episode: Gunn, Cordy and Wes singing "We are the Champions" at Karitos.
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