One of the Best Films I have ever seen
16 September 2006
Fits of laughter followed by uncontrollable sobbing. I have to ashamedly admit that I cried over this film and like a baby. Actually, I am not ashamed at all. The cast were faultlessly BRILLIANT. The story was so well adapted from Dante's Inferno and Opheus's trip through the Underworld (Enfers). Those with a foreknowledge of these works will NOT be disappointed no should they expect to be able to guess what is coming next, especially not the ending. Took me completely by surprise and finished off my box of tissues. You will split your sides and cry a river during the viewing of this film. So if you are a macho-man who refuses to cry in public then I strongly suggest renting the DVD but whatever you do DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE!

A release in the English Language should be a serious consideration because IMHO this film has the potential to be a global blockbuster!
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