Please don't just click "not useful" on this one to.
14 September 2006
I've noticed that more then half of the reviews on film is a 1/10 even though it has a 7.7/10 on this very website.

If you all thought this film was a total joke you wouldn't taken the time to write all those bad reviews. In my opinion if think you are scared because this film is so strong and make very good points and facts, or you just have a lot of trust in the wrong people.

This is a very good documentary!, and it does have a lot of interesting facts in it, sure some things aren't proved but as long as the Us government doesn't tell the truth(or the whole story) we have more reason to believe Alex Jones then them, i mean at least Alex Jones isn't hiding anything, and at least Alex Jones story makes sense.

And if you prefer Michael Moores movies just because those are more professionaly made, you are totally missing the point of an documentary film, as you see in this film: Mr.Moore wouldn't bring up the "hard facts" about 9/11 in his movie Fahrenheit 911 because they weren't true, but because that would be un-American. Its a shame really because before that i respected that man highly.

And for those who say that if Alex Jones is right about the evil police state, why is he still alive? Well its pretty obvious that the government would look even worse if Alex Jones was killed, Especially since cover-ups aren't these guys strongest field.

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