THAT is what the man of the future will be wearing?!?!
31 August 2006
I see from the reviews on this board that the film in question is dividing opinion hugely. On one hand many reviewers are describing this as one of, if not the worst movie ever made whilst others are touting it as an unintentional work of genius. For what it's worth, I would place the movie as somewhere in between the two extremes.

Yes, the film is admittedly a low budget, low brow rip off of Mad Max……but…….taken for what it is, and if you approach it in the right frame of mind, it's actually a pretty decent, undemanding watch. In fact, I would even go as so far as to suggest that the film is actually one of the better post apocalyptic Mad Max inspired outings to spring out of Italy during the 1980's.

That staple plot of a lone group of survivors terrorised by nomadic barbarians rears its' hoary old head yet again here. In this case, the villains are a group of self appointed purges of humanity calling themselves The Templar's who are headed by that Italian B-movie stalwart of villainous roles, BIG George Eastman who plays a character named (oddly) One.

There is ostensibly some enmity between One and the hero in this, Scorpion, based on some undisclosed prior events. For his part, Scorpion seems content to drive around in his souped up car and periodically wipe out Templar raiding parties although predictably, Scorpion and One are bound to meet up at the films climax for one final battle.

Although the budgetary constraints are overtly apparent in the films overall look, there are a number of commendable action and gore sequences littered throughout the running time including a humorous beheading scene and a number of bodies exploding in a particularly cool manner! And let us not forget, how can any film be entirely bad when the always awesome Fred 'The Hammer' Williamson is on board?! (Well with the exception of the atrocious Delta Force Commando of course!)

May I finally just add a special mention to Anna Kanakis, the actress in this who Scorpion saves from a Templar assault……she is seriously HOT, HOT, HOT stuff! – Hell, watch the film to feast your eyes upon her if nothing else!
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