Why is it when we finally get a good show they cancel it
30 August 2006
I wonder why it is here in America that when ever we get a decent show the idiot networks cancel it. Everything from Harsh Realm to American Gothic. Shows that are witty and well written and you actually enjoy watching. Instead we get the Americanized versions of reality shows (and yes the European versions are usually a whole lot better). This show was in now way perfect but was moving along at a very nice pace and could have been really good if they had just finished it. I do not understand why corporate execs think that we here in this country can not think on our own and when we finally get a show that might be even the tiniest smidgen of controversial (especially with religious overtones) the networks yank it. I understand the this is a Christian (haha) country but gives us a break. Those of us that actually like to keep an open mind do not seem to get a break from the rest of the country. PLEASE Give us good TV for a change.
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