Review of The Fog

The Fog (2005)
What on earth is all the fuss about?
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
We have just seen this movie and thought is was quite excellent in many respects. I then came to read the comments to see why it had such a low score and have never seen such a whinefest on IMDb before.

The original was very good and had some very creepy moments - the fog scene enveloping the town and radio station was better, but in all other respects this version beats it into a cocked hat.

The acting, camera-work, soundtrack and action was first class and the storyline was far better. With the possible exception of the clergyman, the characters were fairly convincing and the costumes and make-up well done. The special effects also worked well enough and managed to avoid the usual sense of the ludicrous which very often creeps in at some point and spoils many similar horror films.

All these sort of movies need their own quirky sort of logic to be able to work at all and this one was, at least, no worse than most - the events and action presented us with no particular problems and required no more than the usual 'suspension of disbelief'!!


The burning scene on board the ship was up there with any action movie I would care to name and the last minute twist ending made a refreshing change from all the 'good guys' making it safely through the nightmare.

8 out of 10 for taking a well respected, existing movie and daring to do it better.
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