Great Film
25 July 2006
My friends and I are putting on a film fest here in my hometown and I'm on the prescreening committee so I got to be one of the chosen few to decide if we wanted it in the fest. I was kinda taken a-back at first because of the film being a "chick flick" but by the end of the movie I was hooked! The writer Mark Hefti does an amazing job of sucking you into the story! Making a few I immediately told my friend "Beg Frederic Haubrich to come to Iris!" The movie didn't have any huge Hollywood names in it, no over the top special effects, or no big Hollywood budget but it was one of the best movies I've seen in awhile. I recommend that if you get the chance go and watch this movie. I swear "on the eyes of my grandchildren" you will not be disappointed. Scout Taylor-Compton puts in a pretty awesome performance as Julie. The girl had me in tears by the end of the film...seriously I'm 6' 280lbs and I was sobbing like a little girl with a skinned knee! No joke man I had to hide my face so my friend wouldn't make fun of me. Anyway I just wanted to give one last praise to Mark Hefti and Frederic Haubrich for making an awesome film and for coming to a couple of young movie lovers tiny town to talk at an even smaller film fest. You guys are awesome!!!
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