Defies simple categorization
22 July 2006
I don't know why there are so many negative votes for this movie. It's an interesting exploration of gun issues without taking a particular side. Maybe because of that, it's upsetting people at one particular end of the political spectrum.

Being a movie fan, I found it terribly easy to identify with Dillon. He's a young man who has grown up fascinated by guns, movies and guns in movies, and now, fresh out of school, he takes his first stab at adulthood by getting close to that which he has studied all his life -- he takes a job at a gun store.

The job exposes him to things and people he's never experienced before: Bounty hunters, sexually aggressive women, NRA-enthusiasts. And as his world expands, his self-understanding becomes increasingly foggy. Finally, when he comes face to face with the threat of real violence, he is left only with his instincts and the gun that his job has required him to carry.

See this movie and be prepared to talk about it with your friends. This one isn't going to get out of your mind any time soon.
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