Aliens vs. Predator 2 (2001 Video Game)
Its one of the games that Doom-3 copied
15 July 2006
From the developers who brought you Blood, Blood-2, NoLF, F.E.A.R and a whole bunch of other games, comes AvP-2. Enough good can't be said about this game and it totally rocks. The level design is utterly brilliant and it actually has a complicated story. The Lithtech engine has been pushed to the limits and the atmosphere and tension is unbeatable.

There is one huge flaw however, and that is the quality of Alien Models. Monolith have screwed up the Alien models quite badly and they are low poly crap with utterly horrible skins than look like rubber suits. The Aliens in AvP-1 were actually much better looking and scarier. The chestburster, the Alien Queen alien cocoons and nests have similarly, been horribly modeled. Fortunately, good level design has made up for all that. The Alien Queen was stupid and too easy to defeat. The facehuggers similarly, run to you and stop, before attacking, making them easy targets.

Despite its flaws, AvP-2 is not just one of the best FPSs ever made but also one of the best games ever made.
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