It has been debunked
13 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This so-called "documentary", made by the uneducated Alex Jones, is at first a very believable film. But if you know something about science or the world then it is just fully flawed. I mangle this up with another poorly made conspiracy-film "loose change", which also states that the Bush-administration was behind 9/11.

And do anyone even think that the Bush administration is competent enough to do such a thing, planning such an attack: No, they are the most incompetent Government in many years.

But to all with intelligence it is a laughable theory. I went to many of the pages that tries to prove it, and they are all poorly made, by former x-files/star trek fans. All of the sites are very poorly made, many spelling errors, and poorly knowledge of science and physics. And it those sites this film (i will not call it a documentary, because it is a film, I.E. fiction) is based on, more or less. On of the many allegations of this film and its clones, is that the pentagon, on 9/11 was hit by a placed bomb or a missile. A very flawed theory, because the only thing the bases this on, is that you could not See the remains of the plane: of course you could not, the kinetic energy was so tense, that the plane was ripped to pieces very quickly (apparant to most people, that have had basic physics). Plus the did find millions of small pieces of plane at the pentagon, but the conspiracy-people then say that it was planted (yeah right, thousands of small pieces, in 3 minutes, LOL, pathetic theory). Then they claim that the Pentagon's air-defense/SAM-sites would have shot the plane down!! But as the Magazine, popular mechanics showed: it is a lie - there have never been advanced anti-aircraft-artillery at the pentagon, such would only be there in time of war. Plus there are constantly helicopters flying in and from the pentagon. Yet another direct lie from the conspirators (but they live on lies ($)). Then they so wrongfully claim that the planes that hit the World trade center, could not have put down the towers, because the jet fuel could not be so hot as to melt iron = once again the conspirators show that they don't know practical physics. When Iron gets heated up, it gets more weak, it can collapse, even if it is not melted. Plus it was so hot that it made the metal expand (a surprise to the conspiracy theorists i think), so that it made the concrete smolder and crack, making the whole building weaken, and suddenly collapse. The conspirators then claim that there was placed explosives in the towers, to take it down, about 1800 kilo-grammes or more. Well they don't know anything about explosives do they, such would require a lot of space (so it would be seen by the people there), and it would require VERY many cables, because you cant set the charge by electronics = to much electronic interference. More and more i say to my self: cant the conspirators just leave the problems to people with education?? but no, they are making money of it.

There are simply to much evidence that speaks against all of Alex Jones claims.The magazine "popular mechanics" have already shown that it is based on ignorance, or the need to get rich of people who loves conspiracies (Alex Jones are making more and more money all the time, as the theories are getting more popular).
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