Raises important factual questions that critics carefully avoid addressing directly
11 June 2006
This film doesn't even profess to offer an objective or impartial account of contemporary events and shouldn't be dismissed out-of-hand for not aspiring to such a chimerical, and practically impossible, goal. Given the overt bias that pervades and plagues the mainstream media, perhaps such self-acknowledged subjectivity is a necessary, if not less deviant, methodological approach.

In terms of tone, rhetoric and visual presentation, this documentary issues a rather paranoid, anxious, but nonetheless credible view of the state of the world in which we and our subsequent offspring will live (or perhaps, be condemned?).

Jones uses well-researched, factually-supported arguments, most of which can be verified using mainstream media archives, to irrefutably prove the use of explosives to bring down the Twin Towers and (the third) Building No.7 on the 11th of September 2001. However, this aspect only represents a portion of the film's running time - the rest is dedicated to perhaps more shocking, obscure, (yet consistently supported and appropriately-cited) discussions on the subversive funding of Adolf Hitler by American Internationalists and their relationship with the Bush family: a family that today hold an increasingly arbitrary grip on power in the world's most powerful nation.

Critics of Jones' work tend to resort to two tactics. The first is 'ad hominem': instead of presenting a logical counter-argument to his well-cited and widely-researched discussion, they attempt to attack the character of the man himself, conveniently bypassing the facts rendered. The second is to ridicule the aesthetic presentation and format of his production: an approach which works toward the same end, and intriguingly avoids confuting the empirical arguments presented in the work.

Very much recommended. For more specialised and detailed documentaries scrutinising the official story of 9/11, see the fantastic (and very much BANNED in the Land of the Free) "Loose Change: 2nd Edition" and an equally authoritative lecture recorded at Wisconsin University, Madison and given by the respected academic Dr. Ray Griffin (author of "The New Pearl Harbour" and "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions").
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