THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE (Rene' Cardona Jr., 1978) *1/2
2 June 2006
I know I've watched some film about the mysterious and notorious titular area in my childhood but I can't, for the life of me, recall if this was the one - hence my considering it as a first viewing! The subject matter is handled in the low-brow fashion which prevailed during the last gasp of "Euro-Cult" - even to the point of ludicrously ripping off Mario Bava's KILL, BABY...KILL! (1966) in the figure of the sinister girl, with a devil-doll in tow, 'causing' the various deaths; the silly revelation at the finale, then, takes it into "Outward Bound" territory! The 'star' cast looks embarrassed (an absurdly over-age John Huston, above all, must have been hard-up for cash - though, in all probability, he was financing WISE BLOOD [1979], one of his least commercial films, during this time) tackling their respective stereotyped characters, which include a perennially soused ex-doctor and a scaredy-cat of a black chef (the kind that was already passé forty years previously)! Stelvio Cipriani's efficient score is utterly wasted on this drivel.
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