True Identity (1991)
Undemanding nonsense that might do the job for some viewers but generally not that funny
28 May 2006
On his way to an audition, second-rate actor Miles Pope finds himself sat next to a businessman with connections to the acting world. However, during an extremely severe bit of turbulence, everyone assumes they will die and the confessions start – with Leland Carver confessing to Miles that he is really a wanted mobster (Frankie Lucino) assumed dead but hiding thanks to loads of plastic surgery. Of course when the plane doesn't crash, Carver is keen to keep his secret a secret and Miles finds himself on the run from a hit-man hired by Frankie.

Few people will come to this film hoping for much; indeed judging by the votes on this site it would appear that few people have come to this film at all. The plot sets up lots of material to be furiously milked and the writers don't disappoint as they take every strained setup they can and wring it dry. The fact that the plot is silly and forced will be no surprise to anyone but this was a price that I was willing to pay in this type of film in exchange for laughs. Sadly the film isn't actually that funny; it has some good moments but they are in the minority compared to the rest of the film that is mostly just so-so.

Henry's white makeup is impressive but once the novelty value has worn off there isn't a great deal left. His mimicry is good but his character voice (an American accent for Miles) is weak and generally his performance is only OK. His main problem is with the weak material he is given to work with; I'm not a big fan of him generally but he can do better than this. Langella is OK in support but not given that much to do – although his role is massive compared to the wasted presence of JT Walsh. Lane is pretty poor – not sure if he was trying to make himself the comedy Spike Lee but it didn't work.

Overall this is a pretty average film at best, but it isn't at its best that often. It is undemanding nonsense that will please some viewers and the white makeup is impressive but it must be said that the majority of viewers will find this comedy rather lacking in laughter and wit. Mindless stuff all round.
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