Review of Webmaster

Webmaster (1998)
J.B, hacker extraordinaire, retires early and finds excitement sifting through records of medial security breaches.
16 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As seems to be the norm, J.B finishes his daily regimen of exercise, leaves his programmed (alter) ego online to do his paid work and sets out to assist his friend/love intrigue Miauv with hers. Her private investigations conveniently peek in, through a camera lens, on one of J.B's colleagues at the moment he's sexed to death. The duo spring into action; but catching the killer proves difficult. An angry ice climber slows the foot chase before it begins and after a brief vehicular distraction the chase tries to return to foot. Here the brazen technophile shows her ineptitude by locking herself in her car, with an over-sized key fob, while the assassin saunters away. All seems lost, but subsequent analysis of the surveillance footage reveals someone well-known was behind the trigger of the murder weapon.

Forcefully summoned to an audience with his boss, Cyberworld domain overlord Stoiss, J.B discovers his other colleague has also met a similar end. Fingered for both of the deaths and the theft of a significant sum of credits from Stoiss' online account; robbed of his online ego and landed with a pair of knuckle-dragging goons and a time bomb pacemaker in place of a flat lined heart; J.B is sent forth into the moral wasteland to retrieve the money and clear his name before the mechanical hourglass runs dry.

Although our hero emanates an aura befitting a prime hacker, he makes no attempt to deny his overdependance on scripted tools. While he complains bitterly about being unable to complete the job unassisted, Miauv wakes and sets off to save him. Ultimately, despair triumphs and it's down to J.B's hasty scheming to untangle the crossed players and restore stability to the world and its digital sub-unit. Log on to a finale of double-crosses and real-to-life metered out justice.

  • - -

Overall enjoyable. One of the least disappointing cyberpunk themed flicks I've come across. Nothing too far-out plotwise, some good acting to contrast with bad. Visually conservative with some locations, probably due to budget constraints, but not in an overly apparent or off-putting way. The computer environment effects are a little dated, but in my opinion they're still stylish in their own way.

I found little sense in other comments comparing this to Blade Runner or the Matrix. Apart from a futuristic backdrop I can't see anything to suggest any script cloning has taken place.
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