I wrote youse a poem
10 May 2006
W wicked comedy!

E excellent!

C cracked me up!

A masterpiece!

N not like all the other crap on telly!

B bloody good!

E even better than Kath & Kim!

H hilarious!

E excruciating!

R really, really funny!

O oughta win lots of awards!

E ended too soon!

S sublime!

Run, don't walk to the video store and get your hands on this remarkable comedy! Chris Lilley's "mockumentary" about five people who have been nominated for the award of Australian of the Year, is one of the best comedy shows ever written... and not just in Australia either. Lilley creates characters and situations that are extreme and then underplays them wonderfully. The five nominees are fictional and larger than life... but only just. We all know people like them and some of their actions hit very close to home. We Can Be Heroes is side-splittingly funny but has some wonderful moments of pathos....... such as Pat's fight with cancer, Nathan's poem to his brother and Ricky's relationship with his dad. Don't miss this one!
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