Best one of the series
23 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Watchers Reborn" is okay, but not all that great.


A vicious killer is stalking around killing people, including Det. Murphy's (Mark Hamill) partner. Befriending both scientist Grace Hudson (Lisa Wilcox) and his partner's dog. After some convincing, Murphy begins to suspect that the dog is hyper-intelligent, which no one around him believes. When Grace comes over to check a wound on the dog, she is attacked by the strange creature, which lets Murphy onto a giant cover-up that the NSA, Grace's employer's, don't want leaked. Lem Johnson, (Stephen Macht) the agent in charge, orders both the dog and Grace terminated, as he was involved in the same project that resulted in the creature as well. Tracking them down to a remote cabin in the woods, Grace and Murphy have to fight off the NSA and the Creature.

The Good News: I'm pretty sure that this has some of the best special effects in the series. As the director is an ex-make-up artist, this one undoubtedly wants to showcase it's impressive array of different gags. That means the deaths are far more graphic than the previous ones in the series, and are even more than a little impressive. Scratches are merely a small part of the ones on display here, as some of the better ones include a brutal facial rearranging, a hand torn off, and more than a few gunshot wounds that are quite well-done. Even the non-lethal ones are nicely done great. There is also a nice amount of action as well, much more than you would expect from the series. With a couple nice car chases, shoot-outs, and an action-packed finale that serves as one of the best ones for the series. The great thing is that, unlike most modern action and horror films with loads of action, this doesn't lose you in any of those sequences, so it is very easy to keep track of what's going on inside them, and that is a major accomplishment. And personally, this is my favorite enemy creature design, it's effectively creepy and scary. It's the best one of the series.

The Bad News: There was only a few small little things about this one I didn't like all that much. The middle section is a little slow at times, excluding a nice chase, but other than that one lone spot, the middle section is a little slow. Also, the enemy creature performs two small acts late in the film, and both are very distracting and damaging to the effectiveness. It's not that bad of a film.

The Final Verdict: This one isn't all that bad, and it's better than several others in the series. It's still not all that spectacular. Mostly gore-hounds should see this one, but I think fans of the series and the novels will like this one as well. Seek it out, it's not that bad.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, graphic animal violence and scenes of animals in jeopardy
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