Review of The Boneyard

The Boneyard (1991)
Zombie poodle!
22 April 2006
The Boneyard starts off very boring and for most of the first half it is. I was starting to think "I've picked a bore-fest again!", but the pace picks up in the second half and climaxes with the "zombie poodle" finale. The Boneyrad is really just an average zombie flick, the poodle being the exception. Without it, this film would have been long forgotten. The idea behind it is OK but it lacks gore and the first half is tedious. The sub-plot concerning the woman who lost her child is done terribly - you should be feeling some sort of emotion, but she's such a lifeless actress you feel nothing.

The only thing worth seeing is the zombie poodle. There's one hilarious scene where the main character (the lifeless one) throws dynamite for it to "fetch", resulting in a poodle-explosion. It's up to you if you want to see this - but I would recommend fast forwarding to the second half and starting from there.
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