Predictable, the special affects weren't that great, weird dialogue, dull and overall boring!
16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I decide to watch Final Days of Planet Earth yesterday night and have just finish it early tonight because it replaced Prison Break and there was nothing better to watch. But while I was watching it, quickly I was finding many problems with it that was annoying me this especially happens while I watch a movie that is predictable and when the protagonist does something to further complicate the situation, I know in most movies thats what the plot strives on but it is the way they pulled it off.

The Final Days of Planet Earth starts off by us seeing a space shuttle on its way back to earth from the moon we see a group of astronauts talking and then one of them goes to sleep then in the next scene the one that was sleeping wakes up and it is quiet so he looks around, in he looks through a door with a window and he sees an arm fly pass, thats all we see of that, then we meet walker an archaeologist who in his backyard a ufo crash lands and all of a sudden everyone seems to been acting strangely and people seem to be going missing.

1. The story is like the new Battlestar Galactica where the robot/aliens take the form of humans and the 1950's movie invaders from mars where people get replaced with doubles.

2. I found that it was very hard to get into because it took majority of the first episode to get exciting ( approximately one hour and a half).

3. In key situations it is obvious what is going to happen Eg: The Alien Bugs have capture one of the humans and say that they won't kill him if he tells them where the other humans went, he believes them and tells them where the others when and when the main alien bug leaves they say to the second in command "look after our friend" which is obvious their going to kill him.

4. The person who designed the alien bugs weren't very creative, they are just over-sized praying mantis', which I think one of the humans says there big praying mantis'.

Predictable,the special affects weren't that great, weird dialogue, dull and overall boring not worth watching unless you have spare time or nothing better to do.
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