The Exonerated (2005 TV Movie)
"The true stories of 6 exonerated survivors of death row." Stories are told through gritty real life-like interviews.
13 March 2006
This film places the audience as observer to personal interviews with ex-cons whose death row convictions were overturned, therefore they have been released from prison. They describe the circumstances leading to arrest and conviction, and their states of life and mind before they were arrested. It is a biting commentary on the tragic state of racial and socioeconomic policeable inequality and abuse, which then highlights severe failures of the US legal system. It is maddening in its portrayal of police prejudice and ineptitude. There is no riveting plot, instead there is riveting dialog which makes you sit up and listen - then makes you think again about the death penalty. Less involving than traditional story-teller movies like Dead Man Walking or The Life of David Gale, it is no-less impactful and thought- provoking. The stories are tragic. It is a stage-production which is well brought to the big screen, and deserves the larger exposure derived from theatrical/DVD distribution. A fantastic piece of cinematic art.
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