Clive Anderson Talks Back: Episode #10.8 (1995)
Season 10, Episode 8
Great topical gags
7 February 2006
Charlton Heston was in the UK to publicize his third book, "In the Arena", and appeared on every breakfast show and talk show in a two week period. I recently found a tape of these shows, and they make for interesting viewing over a decade later. "Clive Anderson Talks Back" usually began with the controversial ex-barrister taking pot shots at celebrities who were in the news that week. It was weird seeing Anderson cracking below-the-belt gags about Princess Diana and Paula Yates, knowing what I know now of the tragedies that were just around the corner. When Heston walked on to a thunderous ovation from the large studio audience, even Anderson was impressed, 'Well. I can confidently say that's the biggest cheer this show has had!' The trouble with Heston's appearances on chat shows is that the host ALWAYS asks the Hollywood legend the same questions and Chuck would ALWAYS give word-for-word the same answers on every show. At least Clive Anderson slipped in the odd original quip that broke up Heston's familiar responses. 'You are the best Moses since....Moses!!' and 'You haven't EVER been married to Elizabeth Taylor?' The show ended with the audience in hysterics as Anderson, playing an ape, demanded Heston to bellow his greatest screen line, 'Take your stinking paws off me you dam dirty ape!'
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