This is a poorly made documentary or good Science Fiction.
30 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Then it came to pass: Alex Jones made his flawed documentary about the consequences of 9/11. First of all you can from the start see that Alex Jones has his own political agenda against President George Bush, and he misuses the documentary-form as his weapon against his foe. Let us get one thing strait: Alex Jones must be the most bias film-maker ever. The whole so called "documentary" is all about coming up with unlikely unintelligent reasons for 9/11. All the theories in this "documentary" are laughable and too complex to be true. The most outrageous theory in this "documentary" is that the planes, that flew into WTC 9/11 were actually remote-controlled by CIA (doesn't it all sound so laughable, of course it is). First of all it is not technical possible, secondly the pilots would have stopped it, thirdly the passengers would have noticed if there weren't any pilots or if they were over New York instead of their original destination and stopped the plane. Then the "documentary" also claims that extreme Islamists (Al Quaida) never could conceive a plan to hit the USA that hard – by that claim Alex Jones takes away all notions that people from the Middle East actually can think for them selves (that is funny that Alex Jones wrongfully claims this, when Extreme Islamist blow them selves up every day in Iraq). Alex Jones once again denies undeniable facts, cause everybody must have seen the videos after 9/11 were Al Quaida and Osama Bin Laden talks about 9/11 and praises the extreme Islamists who did I, and he also talks about that he, as an engineer, knew that all the jet fuel (kerasin) would slowly spread on the floor where the planes hit, here the jet fuel slowly burned and reached such a high temperature that the metal that held the building together bended and melted, and the building collapsed. This is what happened, and many people around the world saw Osama Bin Laden talk about it. Alex Jones arrogantly claims that it was CIA that steered the airplanes into WTC, and that the fuel couldn't burn so long (even though it can). He further more claims that it must have been CIA's bombs that blew WTC up. His evidence is that Iron melts at 3000 degrees, he says that the fuel couldn't have melted this because fuel burns instantly – I don't know were to start: as I said jet fuel is very different than normal gasoline – it DOES NOT BURN INSTANTLY. From then on I knew that Alex Jones would lie about everything else in the "documentary". Further of his "evidence" that it was bombs and airplanes that smashed WTC is that after the building had fallen over, rescue workers stood close to the metal and dug into the ground, Jones wrongfully claims that the metal would be to hot (3000 degrees) for any human to approach: but had it not dawned to Jones that metal cool quite rapidly and that it was hours later that the rescue workers arrived? Of course it didn't: I doubt that Alex Jones knows much about basic physics (cause if you did, you would laugh of his claims). Secondly: it was only a little part of the very long metal frame that became so hot – NOT THE WHOLE SKELETON.

If I should write up all the flaws of this "documentary" I would have a book the size of the bible.

I kept saying to my self: "does Alex Jones really mean this?" I am afraid he does. The only thing I am glad of was when I saw the credits, and it was revealed that Alex Jones was the main source and driving force behind the "documentary" – that means that there aren't any clever people who wanted to work with such a flawed filmmaker as Alex Jones. In my opinion you must lack certain logic skills, if you believe in Alex Jones' "documentary". Furthermore: if you believe in the Alex Jones' "documentary", you must logically also believe in UFO's, pixies, Santa Claus and that Elvis lives. But personally I don't think this is a "documentary", it must be a Science Fiction movie instead – disguised as a documentary, because the claims in this "documentary" are just too laughable to be taken seriously by any with a technical education (like I have: engineer). But as Science Fiction it is good, but totally flawed. I prefer Star Wars episode III revenge of the Sith – which has the same themes (it is just much more realistic).
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