Review of Clue

Clue (1985)
Lovely little murder mystery comedy!
30 January 2006
Films based on videogames are commonplace nowadays, but one thing I've never seen before is a film based on a board game! Clue is a murder mystery that takes its ideas from the popular game of Cluedo. I cant say I'm a fan of that board game (although I sometimes play it on the quiz machine in pub), but I am a fan of murder mystery - and while this film is more of a joke than anything, it generally plays it's cards right and what we have here is a very entertaining little flick, that really does deserve your time! The film shows it's experimental edge by having three endings (which can be played at random on the DVD), and throughout we are treated to a film that has it's audience in mind. Tim Curry is the big name on the cast list, and he plays butler Wadsworth. He's in charge of a house whose master has invited six guests to his home. Naturally, those guests are given the names of the people in Cluedo, and include the likes of Colonel Mustard, Mrs White and Miss Scarlet etc. We are then treated to a night of mystery, as we try to uncover who murdered the host...and why!

One criticism I could easily make of this film is that it doesn't really have a lot of plot. The mystery is very shallow, and is over very quickly. This is only a shame because of the fact that I would have liked to see this go on for longer, however, as the energy that the cast brings to the table is priceless, and really makes for a good time viewing. Tim Curry takes the lead role, and does what he does best. Curry is famous for campy performances in camp films like this, and his role as Wadsworth really does his reputation proud! The film does a very good job of keeping itself wide open, and by the end it really could have been any of the characters behind the murder. This is good because it allows writer-director Jonathon Lynn complete freedom over who committed the murder; but it harms the film, as the audience doesn't really get enough info to have a stab at it themselves. The style of the film suits the mood very well, with old-fashioned clothes and decor giving it that classic mystery feel. Now don't get me wrong; this isn't exactly a great film, but it's a lot of fun and I can't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy it.
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