Tittybangbang (2005–2007)
TBB is brilliantly funny... but not on a level that actually makes you laugh. It's a satire on the state of modern comedy...
22 January 2006
TBB is brilliantly funny... but not on a level that actually makes you laugh. It's a satire on the state of modern comedy... it's full of empty catchphrases, paddling-pool characters, endless repetition, forced "dark" humour, and cloning of successful shows. It's not "like" Little Britain - it parodies it mercilessly! You have to watch for a while to really see what's going on: it's taken me a while to "get" it. But TBB is revolutionary! It turns the whole genre on its head by taking every current trend in comedy, and extrapolating them to their logical extremes. The result is a blistering attack on the stale state of TV comedy today. They're saying "Look what we can get away with!" (listen closely to the end of episode 1), and at the same time illustrating everything that is wrong. It's what Nathan Barley could have been, if the makers hadn't wussed out and decided to put jokes in it.

Hats off to the BBC for putting this on an entertainment channel! Considering how clever it really is, it ought to be on BBC4.

I wish there were more shows like Tittybangbang. I hate to think of BBC budgets being wasted on other so-called "comedians".

Incidentally, this was actually co-written by Bob Mortimer, under a false name (Robert Renwick). I don't really understand why. If I was Bob Mortimer, I'd be really proud of myself after this. Probably his finest work.
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