Why straight directors shouldn't direct gay flicks
8 December 2005
I saw this movie at the Amsterdam Gala Premiere and although I didn't have high hopes for it, it turned out to be even worse. The film, which is supposed to be a reflection of normal gay life in Amsterdam, is filled with stereotypes, clichés and stuff that no gay man will find recognizable.

The story is bad (the main plot a total rip off, as the main character has the same kind of problems with the words I love you too as Patrick Swayze's Ghost character), camera is bad, lighting is bad and guess what acting is bad.

If you are into "bad" b-movies, gather your friends, open up lots of alcohol and you will have a night filled with laughter. Especially the more dramatic parts of the film brought loads of tears (because I was laughing so hard) to my eyes.

I heard Tom Six is planning a sequel (this time with lesbians), but after seeing his first, getting the feeling of crawling back into the closet, I hope he reconsiders before he damages gay acceptation even more.
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