Review of The Shaft

The Shaft (2001)
No, really... It is that bad!
5 November 2005
It's a movie about a killer elevator, what can you expect. I didn't expect much, but this didn't live up to my expectations. I like keep an open mind and give far-fetched plots a chance, I can see the potential in the idea, but this movie screws it all up.

Several elevator accidents in the land mark, The Millennium Building, keeps people worried and a repairman puzzled. When he starts to dig, it turns out it's not a regular elevator he's dealing with.

The story starts out OK, but twists and turns and ends up being the most stupid story imaginable. It's with no doubt one of the stupidest stories ever and you just can't take it serious. At the end I actually felt bad on the films behalf. The characters are OK. Some of them are just really weired and you wonder what that was all about, but the leads are OK. They could've been better, but it works. The dialog on the other hand is at times stiff and bad. There are some occasional punch-lines in there, but they are so funny compared to the rest that they work against any mood of the film and along with weired unexplained characters makes you stop taking it serious.

The acting is adequate. James Marshall does a fair job as Mark Newman. Naomi Watts is OK, but has done much better. The rest of the cast is adequate.

What saves this movie is the cinematography. It's one of the best things about it. It's not really great, but it's better than anything else. The composition is OK and the lightning is OK as well. They don't really try to do anything out of the ordinary and I believe that's a good thing as I don't think they would've succeeded with doing so. There are some nice editing to and that lift's this movie a bit.

There are also a nice score. It works as a mood builder, but it's underestimated. They've should use the score more to get this movie all more thrilling.

The effects I would say are below average. The CGI is very obvious and has a very animation film look to it. The fighting is also slow and don't look good. The explosions are OK, though.

All together this is not enough to say that this is a good movie. I was expecting a bad horror movie when I sat down and I was disappointed when I left. Unless you're a die hard fan of killer elevator movies I see no reason to watch this movie.
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