Comedy or Drama - make your mind up!
1 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A very strange movie indeed. The opening sequence of LeBlanc's escape from the Germans with a complete Enigma machine only to have it destroyed by a numb skulled, British officer is played very much for laughs. Even later, as the "Team" is assembled it is played very lightly, a lot of gags based on the wartime London Gay scene. Eddie Izzard shines here, his genuine warmth and good humour fill the screen.

Once dropped behind enemy lines the whole thing changes direction, one undercover Englishamn takes a beating before LeBlanc rescues him and beats the German to a pulp. Later the same Brit is about to be captured when LeBlanc knifes the German - pretty tough stuff for a comedy!

Good points: The running gag of the hapless Brit constantly wanting to use the toilet (and forgetting his drag and using the gents!) The production design for the Enigma assembly factory, very convincing, with long rows of workbenches with machines in various states of preparation.

Bad points: The strange uniforms that some of the Germans wear, look like Carnival Nazis! and the love interest frankly doesn't work.
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