Mass Appeal (1984)
This film never gets old.
29 September 2005
As yet another "lapsed Catholic," I can say that I loved this film when I first saw it 20 years ago. And today, given the current state of the Catholic Church in America, it is even more relevant. The issue of homosexuality in the priesthood is raised, and handled in a sensible way. "Celibacy is celibacy.....even if your thing is goats." Were only the Vatican of 2005 so sensible. But the strength of the movie is a glimpse into the life of a parish priest. A flawed many ways. But who among us is not flawed in some way. Not a particularly profound movie. But an entertaining one; and one which does raise issues for Catholics (and lapsed Catholics) to think about. For me, if I lived near St. Francis, I would probably stop. For the dialogue sermon.....and the Maryknoll Marionettes.
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