My brief review of the film
29 July 2005
A well researched period piece from the Merchant-Ivory team, the depicted setting and era come alive with the apt costumes and sets. The film however tells little in the way of a story, and the methods of narration are awfully clumsy. The whole Jefferson story is supposedly narrated by one person, however that story in itself is narrated by the Jefferson character and others through different letters. It is a bit confusing, and does not gel well together. Even if it is hard to explain, it should be easy to pick up on this awkwardness when watching the film. Some of the sequences also feel like they are just for show, for they add very little to the story. However, even if this is a flawed film, it has enough good qualities to rate above average. The film is set to wonderful Richard Robbins music and Thandie Newton really makes the most of her role. There is quite a bit that one can enjoy in this film, even if it is hardly perfect viewing.
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