Babylon 5: Thirdspace (1998 TV Movie)
Very unsatisfying!
17 July 2005
I watched "Thirdspace" and had to come on to IMDb and read the comments to see if others thought it was as unsatisfying as I thought it to be... and I am glad to see I am in agreement with others.

The plot is a good idea that was ruined by drawn-out segments that detracted from the flow of the story. The elevator scene was beyond ridiculous, too much fist-fighting, I never once saw a thirdspace ship destroyed before or after the climactic event, and you'd think that Sheridan might have once been rammed into by a passing ship!

On the bright side, effects were solid, Ivonova still rocks, and the audio commentary was fun to listen to even though not enlightening. This is one of the movies I won't pop in too frequently in the future.
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