Grill Point (2002)
Some fine acting and a good story, that's all a good movie needs
11 July 2005
The Scandinavian Dogme rules have found their way abroad. That's what I first thought after seeing this movie. No use of artificial sets, everything filmed with a hand-held camera,... even the story reminded me of those movies. Is that a good or a bad thing I hear you think. Well, personally I like that kind of movies, but if you are only used to watch the mayor American blockbusters, then you better leave this movie alone, because this certainly isn't what you will be looking for.

The story of the movie is quite simple. Two married couples, who both have been married for quite some time, see each other regularly. One couple is made up by Chris, a radio DJ and Katrin, who works at a truck stop. The other couple is formed by Uwe, who owns a small snack / grill bar and Ellen, who works in sales at a perfume shop. Ellen isn't very happy in her marriage with Uwe and when she starts an affair with Chris, all seems to get better for her. But then they get caught by Katrin who walks in on them while they are bathing together and everything explodes. Each of them has a completely different way of dealing with it and while some weird things happen around them, the events force them to think about their marriages, their friendship, the relationships with each other and so many more things...

As I already said, this entire movie feels a lot like it has been influenced by the Scandinavian Dogme rules. I know that there aren't too many people who like that, but personally I do. Most of the time it offers honest cinema without too much extra's and that's exactly what you'll get from this movie as well. The relationships between the four leads are real and believable, as are the people themselves (they don't look like smart Barbie dolls, but are normal human beings). Add to this a story which forms the most important part of the movie, that isn't spoiled by some kind of spectacular stunt work, but offers some fine comic relieves so now and then (especially with the band that stands before Uwe's snack bar and grows larger every day even though he tells them to leave) and you know that you have a nice movie.

Overall this is definitely a movie that deserves to be seen by a larger audience. A good story and some fine acting, with this one they prove that a good film doesn't need more. That's why I give it a 7.5/10.
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