Terror Squad (1987)
Hometown Hero
8 March 2005
What can I say except that I am from Kokomo, Indiana, where this movie was filmed and I am a fan of the movie. I am only a fan because I was a T-Com student at Purdue and i like the movie for the way it exhibits all that is wrong with movie making.

First things first, don't watch this movie unless you are a film/T-Com student in search of what not to do when filming a movie. If you can suspend your disbelief then you well likely enjoy this movie. I know there are a lot of things wrong with this film but if you view it as a student film then you are cool. You just have to realize it is an attempt to show cool explosions on screen and get some recognition for a bunch of backwards rednecks in Kokomo, Indiana. ironically it is the Kokomo Police Department that does the best acting job as a SWAT team in the SWAT preparation sequence. I happen to know a couple fo the cops from the local police force that are in that scene and they too it as just a day at the office in filming it. it is the most realistic scene in the movie.

I guess the #1 obvious reason I like this movie is because I am from the town it was filmed it. it makes it an interesting study in continuity because if you are from Kokomo you know the obvious did not edit the shots together with where they are. None of the roads they edit the shots with follow each other as they jump all over town in each shot of the chase scene. I also find it amusing that they don't even bother to worry about continuity with the obvious end chase long bus/short bus scene.

In conclusion, this is a good movie if you want to just get drunk and laugh at a serious attempt to make a movie. One final note, in the "extremes of movie making" category, the main actor, Bill Calvert appears in the first Spiderman movie as a fireman. check his IMCD profile. Talk about going from one end of the spectrum to another.
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