Review of Late Marriage

Late Marriage (2001)
waste of time
11 December 2004
This film is certainly well acted. The actors seem like real people. They have characters that are fleshed out in sufficient fashion. The film deals with a life situation that is unknown to me and thusly a good thing--by providing insight in a slice of life that I would never have known about. All of that may make one think that this is a film worth watching. That is not the case. When it was over, I kept thinking, "what a waste of time." I can enjoy a "small film" as this certainly is and generally tend to prefer them over typical Hollywood blockbusters. In my opinion, this was a small film whose audience probably is those who are affected by Israeli customs. I guess for me, it did not speak to my life in any way and seemed like a waste, even though I can say that it was about as well done as it could be for what it was about.

Have I confused you? I suppose the issue is, unless you have a particular interest in daily Israeli customs, I doubt you would find this worth your time. Also, I think the reason this film was such a downer for me is because there were no sympathetic characters, no one I could care about. They were all bound by custom and none could live successfully against the repressive rules. Not that I demand a happy ending, it just seemed unremittingly depressing for no good end. It wasn't a bad film but I would prefer to have those hours back.
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