18 February 2004
All DVD's should come with extras as exhausting as the ones in the new ALIEN QUADRILOGY box set. When ALIEN 3 first came out, I was disappointed with it. Later, as I was able to ween myself off of the expectations James Cameron's relentless ALIENS set up, it became a favorite of mine. This documentary goes to great lengths not to just dissect the movie, but also to show just what film studios typically put creative people through. We get interviews with Michael Biehn, detailing how upset he was at the killing off of his character. We get a look, in story boards, at an abandoned version of the film that was larger in scope. And we see some of the studio ineptitude that prevented the film from being all it could be. That David Fincher could nonetheless create a film as uncompromising as he did is a true testament to his talent. I loved this!
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