Maximum Surge (2003 TV Movie)
Oh God, the Pain
8 April 2004
Please. Do yourself a favour and AVOID THIS FILM. A self proclaimed Bad Movie Fan, this transcended the realm of "bad" and entered the world of "ow. ow. that's not nice. good film doesn't deserve this. ow."

With top billing going to Bleeth and Koenig, you'd at least expect some sort of ACTING out of them. Bleeth bounces around for about a full 15 minutes of the film with minimal dialogue and no direct shots of her face - unless, of course, she's yelling at the not often seen first person main character. Not even a decent body shot, which is what we all know the boys are looking for. Koenig delivers a lackluster, also hardly seen performance as the digital embodiment of a computer gone unsatisfactorily explained haywire.

Now. The movie. It wanted to be The Matrix. It wanted to be eXistenZ it wanted to be Hackers and it wanted to be Mission to Mars. In fact, it wanted to be almost Every Movie Ever. It failed. on all counts.

The plot, without giving it away (not that there's much to give away) is that the government has comissioned a supercomputer. to take over the world. by destroying it. only it's a top secret non existant branch of the government with no real chain of commaned and crap ass direction. the plot holes are so big in this baby that i could drive a mac truck through them.

y'know, i don't really want to spend the time and mental anguish neccessary to review this film. just DON'T SEE IT AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. no matter WHAT your options are, i promise that something, anything at all, watching paint dry, is a better use of your time then this disgraceful piece of half assed cinema.
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