Duck Dodgers (2003–2005)
to quack or not to quack
23 October 2003
i love duck dodgers a lot

there is a good moment from last week's episode that i find funny when dodgers met the green lantern before he got back his uniform and what is even funnier .. he was not in his uniform he was just in his feathers

now that i've got that joke out of the way,

dodgers should get more crew members for his ship to appear in season 2 [when that time comes] most of my suggestions for crew members would include; - bugs bunny [as a admiral] - pepe le pew [as a lieutenant] - lola bunny [as medical officer] - sylvester the cat [as engineer officer] and other looney toons characters - and the reason i'm making these crew character suggestions for season 2 is because that it's just only daff and porky i mean, daff should have improvements on that ship, to fit a bigger crew

i mean , let's face the facts , does dodgers not like being picked up no does he like having to eat disgusting parasites no does he like to see the cadet scared of various stuff no my point is, if you have more than one member on a ship there's a greater chance that dodgers will listen to not only the cadet but also the other members if it's just him and the cadet, then the cadet is pretty much is on his own

now to end this comment with a duck dodgers version of a quote from shakespeare's hamlet

"to quack or not to quack , that is the question"
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