Indictment, Humor and Therapy
28 June 2004
Moore does two excellent things in this movie.

He shreds George W. Bush & Co. in joyously vicious lampoonery. I'd have laughed if I wasn't already crying. Well... I guess I laughed anyway.

And, he lays out the case against Bush, the Bush family, their friends and supporters in exquisite detail. He does a job that would do any skilled government prosecutor proud. Better than the 9/11 Commission, the Warren Commission and the Watergate Commission rolled into one. Never mind swaying an election, he lays out a pretty good case for impeachment and hanging. Seriously.

Unfortunately (for me, anyway) he does one more powerful thing which I didn't exactly "enjoy". Moore provides a powerful emotional catharsis for the loss and pain of 9/11 and Iraq. I sobbed. Who knows, maybe it did me good to get it out of my system and I should send him a check for the therapy session. I'm still a bit teary the next day. Luckily though, the scenes that set me off were actually quite short and not everyone had my reaction. Most of the packed house (at 5:50pm on a Sunday!) seemed to have had a clearly enjoyable time.

Oh, people? Leave your small children home. This movie is totally inappropriate for them. At the very least they'll be loudly fussy and cranky and disturbing to the other patrons during the quiet and emotional scenes. At the worst, they'll have nightmares for years.
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