12 May 2004
Just Another Story could have been a day in my life growing up. The humor, the friends, the social commeraderie, all felt so much like how my upbringing was, except it was in California and not New York. As I watched the film, I thought of the kids I grew up with, and learned about life with, but that didn't command my enjoyment of the film, merely accentuated it.

"Have you ever been loved?" "I don't know..."

Just Another Story is a juicy, honest look at a day in the life. sometimes life is very satirical, and in my mind is so many people's true stories. The little things that occur that are tiny gems on the path, that are so quickly forgotten, are portrayed in exquisite and well timed detail. Relationships are so nice when you look at them without your specs on, from far away, thru the window.. but when you getup close, start coloring in the lines, you see relationships are really hard, complex, demanding of sacrifice, and effort. Battling with relationships, you can't be expected to be a master, of emotions, of mind, the complexity, the honesty can't exist without trust, communication, "if you're a mouse on the move then I'm a bounding cat."

Nice film.

Thumbs up for GQ and Just Another Story.
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