Review of Club Dread

Club Dread (2004)
Club Dreadful
23 March 2004
This has to be one of the most utterly incompetent, embarrassing

excuses for a film I have ever seen. Stultifyingly stupid, blindingly brainless, it manages to neither be a

proper horror nor a proper comedy and from the ridiculous

opening scenes to the bizarre, unexplained final scenes it is truly

dire. The plot is devoid of logic, which wouldn't matter so much if

this was merely a wacky, gross-out type comedy, but it isn't. So

many of the lines fall flat that you ask yourself whether they were

actually meant to be funny or not. Add in a host of unfunny,

unsubtle performances (including the worst English accent ever

put on film) and you've got a movie that should be jettisoned into

space for all eternity. Truly dire. 1/10.
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