V Graham Norton (2002–2003)
Distinctly Graham Norton
22 February 2003
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

The opening sequence to the show is played out to a ton of subliminal gay imagery,with men and women in bondage gear and other homosexual attire,showing Norton's apparent pride in his homosexuality and the lifestyle that goes with it.After the audience have clapped their opening welcomes,the host emerges to welcome them and to put his funny spin on the days events in the papers and on the news,which are,more often than not,riotously funny.But it is not rounded off there.Imitating a certain person or character,Norton than tells another (though more limited) round of jokes,before introducing his special guest for the night,and then subjecting them to a round of embarrassing,though again hilarious,sexual inneuendo and smut.He also involves the audience,especially as the show draws to a close.It's great that all this can be crammed into just 35 minutes,and it's evenly spaced out from Monday to Friday.There are those who may have initially considered this a risky gamble,understandably worried it may become too much of a good thing.But instead,Norton has crafted a successful format,that brings a sparkle of joy after a stressful working day and instead becomes something you really get to look forward to.This is VERY Graham Norton indeed-and all the better for it.****
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