*** 1/2 out of ****
13 January 2002
Rogue Leader is one of the reasons to get a Nintendo Gamecube. The game is the fantastic sequel to the Nintendo 64 title Rogue Squadron that continues the adventures of Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. Pilot several starfighters from the A-Wing to the X-Wing on several missions that span throughout the Star Wars trilogy. Players will get to be part of the key moments in the Star Wars films like the Death Star Trench Run and the Battle of Hoth among other missions. Being the leader, it's your job to give orders to your wingmen in order to succeed. Do you want them to take on the TIEs or the guns? Want them to form up, or flee? Tell them. Play through the game earning medals to unlock new missions and ships like the Millennium Falcon and the Slave I. The game features very good gameplay. Controls aren't difficult to learn and the missions range from easy to hard -- bringing on the challenges. The Star Wars elements are included like the famous introductions scrolling vertically in the galaxy. The Star Wars music we all know and love is present during key moments in missions. The visuals are downright great. You're in large environments with beautiful details like water. On the waters of Kothlis, the sunlight spreads about, and the colors are astounding. Then an AT-AT escapes a collapsed Star Destroyer and you'll note the amazing work done when its reflection is seen as it crosses to the beach. Earning medals and unlocking ships helps keep the replay value alive. Overall, Rogue Leader is an impressive launch title.
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